Rater NCOER Bullets

Overall Performance. The rater comments on the NCO's performance during the rated period.

o SSG Johnson demonstrated the aptitude and the overall leadership skills necessary to run a successful station

o displayed exceptional ability to complete mission requirements; excelled at duties as a service desk technician as well as a network technician

o exceptional performance by one of the most intelligent and competent NCOs I have ever worked with in my career

o a superior leader; unsurpassed maturity and mentorship who sets the standard for all NCOs to emulate

o a dedicated and compassionate NCO who demonstrates superb care for all Troopers

o an exceptional NCO who lived the Army Values and served as the foundation of company operations

o took complete ownership of his roles as an expert, as a primary trainer and as a source of mentorship

o earned the trust of his superiors and subordinates alike through his determination to better those around him

o top performance from a motivated NCO; capably managed primary and additional duties to enable mission success

o technically and tactically proficient; the most professional SFC I have served with in 22 years of service

o phenomenal performer who surpasses his peers inside and outside of the unit

o an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO who consistently produced superior results

o the definition of a leader; a true force multiplier

o flawless performance by a top 5% NCO who always led from the front in every regard

o his competence as a leader was unsurpassed and his drive to achieve had a tremendous impact on the company's mission success

o extremely organized and forward thinking leader whose proficiency in managing operations and administrative requirements was unparalleled

o his genuine care for Soldiers and strong mentorship skills were unmatched

o an exceptional NCO who lived the Army Values and served as the foundation of company operations

o took complete ownership of his roles as an expert, as a primary trainer and as a source of mentorship

o fostered the trust of his superiors and subordinates alike through his determination to better those around him

o a diligent NCO whose courage and resolve embody the spirit of the profession of arms

o multi-tasked numerous operations, ranging from LOGPAX to refueling operations for a CAV squadron of 250 Soldiers, while maintaining his section's technical and tactical proficiency

o expert knowledge in the art and science of recruiting made him one of the best station commanders in the company and in the top 10% of NCOs I have worked with in my career

o exceptional performance during the rating period; ranks number 1 of 11 Sergeants First Class in the company

o mature and confident Soldier with extraordinary knowledge and initiative

o his proficiency in managing recruiting activities and administrative requirements are unparalleled

o highly determined professional with a resolute dedication for mission accomplishment and the welfare of her soldiers

o intolerant of mediocrity; critical and independent thinker who has demonstrated the confidence and mental toughness to achieve results

o a dynamic Noncommissioned Officer committed to mission accomplishment and the welfare of Soldiers

o motivated NCO whose organizational skills were critical to the successful deployments of two SF Companies and the Battalion Staff to multiple theaters

o selected above his peers to train Officers and Fire Support Specialists during Battalion ASPT and GST train ups; his professional style of teaching instills confidence in leadership to consistently select him to improve our readiness

o has no rival among his peers

o is technically proficient; displays complete confidence in her ability to troubleshoot and correct equipment deficiencies

o was a top flight report writer and an expert wordsmith

o SPC Weaver's abilities are unparalleled

o his ability to elevate the performance of the Soldiers in the section is unmatched

o intensely dedicated to the mission and the well being of his section, he demands nothing less than the standard and embodies it in himself

o SSG Brannan demonstrates the aptitude and the overall leadership skills necessary to lead a platoon

o steps up and completes all missions and assignments due to the lack of performance of a higher ranking NCO.

o improved immensely the NCOER tracker for daily reporting and Command and Staff

o promote now and select for ANCOC

o a rare mix of intelligence and initiative; a technically gifted NCO who shows a genuine concern for mission accomplishment

o a true professional; his dedication to mission excellence will be an asset to any unit

o stands above contemporaries in personal commitment to professionalism and excellence

o clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments requiring a Senior Noncommissioned Officer

o promote to Sergeant First Class immediately; his leadership is needed by Soldiers

o challenge this NCO with positions of greater responsibilities

o promote immediately and assign as a Special Forces company sergeant major.

o send to ANCOC immediately; promote ahead of peers.

o promote now; will be an excellent combat engineer unit first sergeant.

o promote now; send to USASMA First Sergeant's Course immediately and assign as a First Sergeant

o promote to Master Sergeant first time eligible in the secondary zone

o outstanding Soldier with can-do attitude, always willing to do more challenging tasks with greater responsibility

o easily the best platoon sergeant assigned; his platoon out performed all others in the company

o proved himself as battle-tested non-commissioned officer, quickly took charge in combat operations

o total Army asset; select for First Sergeant now

o first rate professional! Shows ability and initiative to assume greater responsibility; promote now

o consummate professional; promote ahead of peers; consistently performs two pay grades above contemporaries

o technically and tactically proficient; discharges duties with complete professionalism

o Soldier oriented NCO

o potential is unlimited; outstanding leader, coach, and mentor

o strongly motivated to succeed

o hard charging Soldier whose willingness to strive forward has set him apart from his peers. promote!

o clearly demonstrates potential for unlimited advancement

o send to BNCOC, assign to troop leadership positions

o assign to challenging positions which require the most of a NCO

o trains his subordinates to succeed

o promote now to Sergeant First Class ahead of peers

o earned trust, loyalty, and dedication from everyone in the battalion

o well organized and versed in investigative techniques

o utilizes common sense and courtesy while performing duties in a professional manner

o possesses superior personnel and administrative skills

o a strong leader with the wealth of experience and knowledge

o leads by example

o displays exceptional leadership qualities; ability to get the job done; recommend promotion/retention

o works best with mission orders

o accepts nothing less than 100 percent

o outstanding performer; promote now

o extremely well organized and perceptive to the problems and needs of subordinates

Picture of Soldiers Marching

Needs Improvement Bullet Comments

o NCO's otherwise adequate performance was impacted due to his failure to meet Army Body Composition Program standards

o adequate performance from a motivated NCO

o accomplished all assigned tasks with some guidance from the command

o demonstrated the competency expected of a NCO in his current grade

o completed assigned tasks on time and put forth adequate effort; duties and responsibilities met leader expectations

o performance met expectations for a NCO in his current grade and position

o lacked critical thinking in situations that required out-of-the-box thinking or innovation

o failed to seek guidance on how to complete multiple tasks; resulted in numerous delays and missed suspenses

o within the bottom third of NCOs I have previously rated

o SGT XXXX consistently failed to perform the duties and tasks required at his rank; incapable of handling even menial tasks without direct supervision

o needed some help to meet deadlines; could have benefited from delegating, prioritization and multitasking

o NCO's otherwise great performance was severely impacted due to his lapse in judgement during rating period; failed to uphold the Army Values

o with detailed instruction and supervision Soldier can accomplish assigned tasks

o unlimited potential; needs to work on his leadership and problem solving before executing duties of greater responsibility

o has potential, with more experience, to excel as a leader

o maintains professionalism and poise; performance is sometimes above average, but has a lack of loyalty and respect for superiors

o a technical SME and a great asset for training, but demonstrates a lack of morale in this Unit. May perform better in another Command.

o promote when NCOES is complete

o lacks personal drive to lead soldiers or accomplish tasks

o maintain at current position; personal life events have lowered morale within his section

o failed to set the example for his Soldiers to follow during this rated period

o disobeyed a direct order from the SSA Accountable Officer

o failed to comply with instructions given to him from the chain of command

o do not recommend for promotion at this time, with further mentorship and training this Soldier may be ready for greater responsibility

o performance is sometimes above average but erratic; undependable and cannot not rely on for unsupervised assignments

o NCO is not a contributing member of the U.S. Army; do not retain and remove from positions of responsiblity immediately

o NCO consistently fails to perform the duties required at his rank; incapable of handling even menial tasks without direct supervision (MAB)

o needs to develop his technical skills before advancing to the next grade with duties of greater responsibility

o maintains professionalism and poise, but lacks motivation to lead

o resists change and is unable to adjust or be flexible

o does not prefer to be in a leadership position, does not command respect from subordinates

o performance is sometimes above average but erratic and undependable, could not rely on unambiguous assignments

o keep with troops so our Soldiers can benefit from his leadership and selfless service

o rater was relieved during rating period

o promote to Staff Sergeant with peers; continue to groom as squad leader

o send to Advance Leaders Course when slot is available

o performs at expected levels, does not distinguish himself from his peers

o promote to SFC if slots are available, send to ALC immediately

o promote at the convenience of the Army

o unable to report to work on time and needs constant supervision. Retention is not advised.

o SSG Smith is uncooperative with leadership and fails to understand the difference between "taking care of troops" and following orders. His combative attitude is counter-productive and a liability to this Command.

o resists suggestions for improvement and actively works against the orders of his superiors

o put forward much effort but unable to progress; consider reclassification

o not fit for this type of activity, exhibits a negative attitude and should be disqualified

o has the potential to be an excellent technician but is often careless with.

o cannot work with his peers and is counter-productive

o allowed the pressure of family issues to affect her performance. Recommend release from duties and counseling until such time she can resume work without endangering others.

o despite increasing assistance and training, he continues to have serious difficulty completing assigned tasks, recommend reclassification

o lacks experience and fails to understand the importance of advancement

o unable to adjust to deployment or the diverse demands of a joint environment

o probably the worst performer in our Command

o failed to meet Brigade standards and should not be retained

o demonstrated a lack of skill in some duties, has potential, should double training efforts

o does not comply with regulations and is a threat to the safety of this battery. Recommend discharge at earliest opportunity.

New Rater examples posted daily.