Meat Buyers Guide PDF

The Meat Buyers Guide NAMP (National Association of Meat Purveyors) and the IMPS (Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications) use identical specs, but the IMPS is put out by a government agency and is free. Click on the USDA IMPS for Fresh Beef link to download a free Meat Buyers Guide PDF version of the Beef file which includes NAMP/IMPS item numbers, descriptions and pictures of the cuts. It will open in a new window, and it is a 2 MB file so it may take a minute to download.

To purchase the new 2010 NAMP Meat Buyer’s Guide, or the CD, visit the purchase NAMP Meat Buyer’s Guide page.

Visit the Cuts of Beef page for an index of beef primal information which is covered on this site, as well a detailed description of a variety of steak cuts.

USDA IMPS – NAMP Meat Buyer’s Guide Offal Specs

For Beef Offal Meat Buyers Guide click on USDA IMPS for Variety Meats which also includes offal for Lamb, Pork, Veal, Cured, Smoked, Sausages and other by-products.


For Veal Meat Buyers Guide click on USDA IMPS for Veal.

Fresh Beef IMPS Specs

Comments from before Site Migration

Leanne – thanks for the info! A new version of the website rolls out in December (2015) and I’ll include the updated PDF download.

I just wanted to let you know that the link ” download a free Meat Buyers Guide PDF” is very old. It should be updated with this version

Great website and very helpful!

Leanne Wiley
Value Added Salesperson
Frontier Meats
3801 N. Grove
Fort Worth, Texas

Office: 817.632.9721

Excellent Info!! Thanks!